Excellent article Lou!

Continued great work and investigative journalism.

It’s about time someone called out Chesa’s lackey.

In our world Lou, as you well know there are “cops” and there are “police officers”.

He was never a “cop”.

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Great article Lou…facts and specific examples destroy Boudin’s allegations

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thank you

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Great job Lou. Those that worked Correa are well aware of his policing abilities.

He spent more time at a desk, or under one, the just about any cop I ever knew.

He could not find a crook in San Quentin and this is the best Boudin could do for a police spokesman. He and Boudin have one thing in common. Neither of them has ever put anybody in jail.

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Keep up the heat Lou. Great article albeit sad commentary for the law abiding citizens. Leave SF Chesa, it was a far better place before your arrival.

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