A quote from the movie “The Field of Dreams” - “If you build it they will come” And, l have witnessed that the more money that is allocated, the more the word gets out and a larger group shows up to collect. I have had the same experience when eating a pastry on a city park bench: Feed a pigeon a few crumbs and their buddy shows up, then you toss a few more crumbs and even more birds fly over to get in on the action. Before you know it, your kind gesture has the flock of new arrivals demanding more of your pastry. And so it goes.

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Great analogy Cid. Just by observing what the pigeons do, we could learn what people will do. And those pigeons are all fully capable of working for their own meals without a single handout. Many of the people are not capable of handling any responsibility even to make it to a toilet. Being compassionate requires the caring to refuse to enable the addict to continue to abuse themselves.

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I am a sucker for animals, but I choose not to perpetrate addiction by giving money to a homeless person. If asked for money, I will tell them the truth, that I am sorry but that I am on a financial diet. I know the City and local churches give them plenty of life sustaining services. Money probably is NOT the solution. (I remember when Gavin Newsom was running for Mayor of SF on the platform "Care not Cash.")

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The Lefties always tell anyone foolish enough to listen or vote for them "we just need more money for this new program." They are incredibly consistent with a 100% failure rate.

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Great article Lou. "as increased funding only fattens the homeless industry’s pockets, attracting more Kahlils to San Francisco, while never addressing the root causes of homelessness: mental health and drug use. " I think this says it all

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Fred H - You are right. That says it all that City officials and the non-profit leaches don't want to hear. The three components that also need to be fixed are;

1> When people kill someone on purpose, the penalty needs to be more serious, like a lifetime

of slavery working off a debt to society.

2> When people go to jail (or prison) there should be NO access to any drugs, cigarettes, or

other comforts from the outside world. Just basic meals, and medical necessities.

3> Courts need to be far more concerned for protecting the community from the accused, and

anyone convicted, than they are worried about the inmate's right to freedom. This does not

mean abusing anyone's rights - it specifically means don't release dangerous people back to

the streets.

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Homeless is definitely an industry in SF. A money pit that continues to be fed!

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With no end in sight!

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Last I read S.F. was wasting something like $1Billion on homelessness. With that kind of money SFDPH could do whatever Laguna Honda Home needs to care for elderly poor, and possibly create a separate section for non-violent drug rehab cases. Politics and cronyism seems to get in the way. What S.F. succeeded in doing is making a magnet for the people who can't or don't want to participate in normal society. Then an industry grew up to feed off of the huge money committed to fixing a problem the elected officials had no idea about how to deal with. Clearly they are not alone.

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Good job Lou you expose the corruption of the city overlords per usual. Perhaps the slowing money flows from the FEDS and Vasalino newsom will put a crimp in the fraudulent programs that the left uses for their virtue signaling ideology . I suggest putting the homeless, drug addicted, bipolar knuckleheads on buses and ship them to Mexico, it’s only fair trade.

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Vasalino Newsomething, or did he new nothing? That was funny. Your idea is creative. How about we use the older MUNI buses that just run well enough to make a one way trip, load them up, and arrange a fly home ticket for the driver. Drive it at least fifty to 100 miles south of the border. The Mexicans get to keep the bus and the passengers!

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Homelessness in San Francisco has become a multi million dollar business. Why would anybody fix anything that has become so lucrative. There are multiple corporations that are making tons of millions of dollars every year from the city general fund to fund these homeless programs that have proven over the last 20 years to be an object failure. It’s time to take a different approach.

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I don't know which rabbit holes the billion dollars is going down, but none of them has you name on them, or most of the rest of us. There are some non-profit who I think are doing good work, and having lasting success (Delancey Street), but I don't know any details. My since is the City wanted all of these people off the books, so buy helping them set up as non-profits, they get a $100,000+ paycheck, but no City benefits or pension, or Workers' Comp. I used to insure one of them that had a two desk office in an open office set up on Harrison ST with many many other similar non-profits all working with the City.

What corporations are sucking on that straw, I have no idea. You would think the City would provide an AUDITED annual statement for consolidated Homeless services programs that would answer these Qs. If they did, Lou would be telling us all about it.

Yes we need a new approach. Other great world cities are not this screwed up. Why can't we just copy from one or more of those?

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Lou I left a message for the mayor about exactly that, pick em up and make the streets safer! Do you think the Mayor will act ??????

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Since when has the S.F. Chronicle and S.F. Examiner been unable to hire local Leftists to write unenlightened articles about the nexus of economics, tourism, homelessness, and crime?

It's sort of insulting that they would use a New York writer, but I guess they figure the problems are the same, the source is the same, the local leadership is the same, so what the Hell.

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Thank you for the research, it would be interesting to get him to talked about what would be a good outcome for his life now.

Homeless need something to do and somewhere to be while they work towards getting themselves back. We are mostly just passing them around.

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Dec 13, 2022
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Kahlil was booked on December 3, 2022 at 1:32am. Below is his booking charges and his court docket number:


Please let me know if you have further concerns about any potential inaccuracies in my article

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Dec 14, 2022
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Wow, thank you for your clarifying response.

I'm sorry you have been a victim (multiple times)

I don't know why raps sheets are not public. Maybe to prevent prejudging by jurists?

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If our society spend half as much effort as it does on self gratification, and personal entertainment, we could probably solve many of the root problems that contribute to gang and ghetto life that fuels crime. I am convinced that Booker T. Washington figure this all out long ago, and some of his own people hated him for his calling them out.

We need to develop an alternative to a life of crime.

We need to have criminals pay a price that matters to them.

We need for criminals who paid their debts to be given a clean slate, not a stigma,

or a life sentence, unless that is what they've earned and deserve.

We can't continue to do the same old shit, and expect better results!

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You sound like the status quo....just saying. And Ofcourse it’s right..

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