Combining MUNI and DPT has been a collosial failure. Break up SFMTA. Disband the ideological SFMTA board (Amanda Eaken) and make these departments wholly accountable to the Mayor.

This is an EXCELLENT piece Lou👍

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This is typical of San Francisco supervisors. They don’t care what their constituents think. They have their own agendas, no matter who it hurts and that’s what they tried to push through.

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First thought it was a joke “ let’s parisians vote on West Portal” … no it’s not, vote out Melga and look for practical solutions to support small business owners and workers and families who need to drive !

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The good people of San Francisco must insist on a full downsizing and then restructuring of SFMTA, and promote the mobility of ALL San Franciscans including ALL modes of transportation. Thanks, Lou B., for an informative article. The exploitation of the loss of the beautiful family in a still unexplained freak car accident in order to further an agenda that seeks to implement a utopian vision of the laptop class, is unconscionable.

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Excellent piece Lou! I would just like to bring attention to the other part of the deception on the "survey." It purports to show illustrations of a re-envisioned entrance to the station as a "community space." It shows a painted street with benches and people strolling through. Where are the trains and buses in the pictures? As presented the plan would have trains entering and exiting from three sides of the intersections and buses entering and exiting from at least two. Would an responsible parent laze around with their child on one of those benches? What happens when the child gets fascinated and runs in front of a train?

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So glad you’re out there doing real investigative journalism, Lou. Great work as usual.

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This is amazing article, thanks! I wish there was a way to spread this information all over the city. The "Parisian survey" you describe is the exact same strategy the "Close the Great Highway" people used when they first began campaigning. Anyone could vote from anywhere in the world, and as many times as possible. Then they published the results claiming they were all legitimate.

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Another excellent article Lou. The push towards a 15 minute city is ramping up.

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