What people don't understand is a small percent of the criminals don't comply with orders by anyone,

police or judges they do understand pain. Back in the day If a suspect attacked a police officer he use to go to the hospital before jail. Now with cameras everywhere these suspects are deprived of street justice. They are doomed to an endless cycle of ......

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Well the judge is clearly above the law and lives behind walls.in his mind he is an elite ruler.

Very much like vasalino gruesome..both authoritarian tyrannical psychopaths. What they don’t seem to understand is that the leftist mob always eats itself….the shit storm is just brewing and SF is the tip of the spear. Buckle up San Franciscans or wake up. Vote the commies out…I left long ago..

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Great article Lou…a specific example of the Courts failing to follow the law based on the judges opinion, not facts. And, Mendez is just one example. Everyone who has followed crime in SF over the past ten years knows that drug related crimes like auto burglary have increased exponentially. How many Mendez’s are arrested every month and treated the exact same way as Sebastian Mendez?

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