This non-factual, non-objective reporting will continue because it is allowed to go on with impunity.

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Excellent, well-researched article. Facts just destroy the progressives' argument. But, it doesn't matter to the writers that they are twisting the stats and the facts. Unfortunately, there are waaaaay to many people that still believe newspaper articles are factual. Good job!

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Pretty easy to see the Marxist foot prints all over SF especially their media….thanks for exposing the grifters. wouldn’t it be nice if people became aware of the agenda….

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The good news…Prop E passed. The bad news….lying faux progressive journalist hacks everywhere

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Who reads the chronicle anymore? Haven’t they lost their credibility and journalism card a long time ago?

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Good article Lou! I was wondering if you had time to address (maybe in an article) the dramatic decrease in SFPD traffic enforcement over the last ten years. A lot of people on Twitter who are not as police skeptical as most see it as a work slowdown to protest the city government, as stops collapsed regardless of SFPD staffing and funding levels (and the tracked stops on SFPDs website are not the ones banned by the police commission). Hearing how traffic stops and police resources in general have changed 2013-2023 would be really interesting, since I assume they have become more time consuming and possibly have been soft banned by various policies over the years.

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Lou - When the majority of people are too willing to believe what they feel instead of digging for truth as you do for us, then the lies and well crafted twisted stories put out by the propaganda rags will do just fine for them to "feel comfortable" in their unfounded beliefs.

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Let's keep up the pressure on the PoCo and all the lying media!! They're freaking out because the masses are wakening.

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