Boudin is a domestic terrorist. He is the sole reason several great police officers are leaving the force. Instead of going after the thugs and drug dealers he wants to bury the police officers for doing their jobs.

San Francisco was a beautiful city till he became the DA. It’s hard to believe that he gets away with what he does .

What happened to the Mayor of SF? Does she really condone his actions? I think she needs to be replaced also.

S F will never be the same.

Bob G

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I don’t have time to fact check the whole thing (since this has one easily checkable thing wrong, other things may be wrong), but Troy McAlister wasn’t Boudin’s former client.

Tim Redmond did actual reporting other journalists failed to do:

Boudin never was the attorney of record for McAlister. I have read the court transcript in the case, and what happened was very simple: McAlister’s public defender was in trial when a judge needed to do a minor procedural matter (setting a trial date). The prosecutor handling the case was also in trial.

So, as is very common, another DA and another PD showed up for about five minutes as substitutes so the judge could on the record set a date for trial.

Ellen Chaitin, a retired Superior Court judge, told me that this happens all the time, and that the substitute lawyers (whoever in those offices happens to be free for five minutes that day) are not the attorneys of record for the case or the client.

Here’s the entire transcript of what Boudin did:

THE COURT: The Court is calling Line 14.

Do we have the D.A. here?

MS. MORRIS: I will stand in.

THE COURT: Court is calling Line 14, People v. McAllister.

Appearances, please.

MS. MORRIS: Lailah Morris, specially appearing on behalf of Michael Nguyen, for the People.

MR. BOUDIN: Chesa Boudin, Deputy Public Defender, specially appearing for attorney of record Crystal Lamb, on behalf of Mr. Mc Allister, who is present in custody before the Court.

THE COURT: In this matter I received the 1050. I understand Ms. Lamb is in trial.

MR. BOUDIN: That’s correct, Your Honor.

And Mr. Nguyen is unavailable on the date that Ms. Lamb requested. We’re requesting a date as soon as available. I believe Mr. Nguyen discussed it with the Clerk of the Court and it was indicated to him that July 16th was available.

THE COURT: Let’s go off the record while we confer on dates.

THE COURT: Back on the record.

Having conferred with the parties, this matter is placed in this department for preliminary hearing on July 16th, 2018, at 9:00 a.m.

Mr. Mc Allister is ordered present. There is also a motion to suppress?

MR. BOUDIN: I believe so, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Okay. And the Court finds good cause in light of Miss Lamb’s unavailability.

MR. BOUDIN: Thank you, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Thanks.

That’s it.

Here’s what Public Defender Mano Raju says:

…I also want to make clear that Chesa Boudin never represented Troy McAlister. Some are misinterpreting court minutes that show Mr. Boudin as “special[ly] . . . appearing for the attorney of record” on a “motion to continue,” but this was strictly an administrative appearance that lawyers routinely make when a colleague is unavailable on an uncontested matter. On the date at issue here, Mr. McAlister’s lawyer was in trial in another case and she filed the motion to continue as a result. It is common for attorneys to make “stand-in” appearances on behalf of an unavailable colleague. Mr. Boudin was apparently such a “stand-in” on an uncontested postponement of the case to a new date. He would not have had any confidential information nor presented any arguments on Mr. McAlister’s behalf. Our overburdened courts could scarcely function without such courtesies.


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1) Tim Redmond, the Mission Local, Lara Bazelon, and Megan Cassidy all just provide Boudin's words so that he is not questioned directly.

2) You are saying Boudin stood in for another public defender and Boudin never reviewed McAlister's file? So it's not an ethical breach, but Boudin was unprepared in court and perhaps Boudin was just negligent.

But then you want us to make the leap that when McAlister's slam-dunk, takeover robbery with a gun case came before Boudin as DA, he just happened to review McAlister's file and give him a sweetheart deal avoiding a third strike.

3) And, then in Boudin's representation of Young (court # 18 012547) as a public defender- which was a dropped case-- but on Feb 3, 2021, as DA, Boudin had his office try and uncover in-camera information he was not have privy to as a PD.

Yeah, Boudin doesn't have a track record of conflicts.

Do you have any comments on the DA's office acquiescence to mental health diversion for 19-takeover robberies which was the basis of the article?

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you neolib fash are something else cant wait to keep voting in Boudin He is doing GREAT!!

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