You can't make this stuff up. Obviously Judge Thompson needs to go but more importantly, voters need to understand what happens when they vote for any candidate who adjusts the laws to their way of thinking. This logic applies to Judges, Supervisors, Mayors and ALL elected positions. I am inclined to believe that closing the border and focusing on choking off the source of the drugs is step one. These immigrants are not the people we should be welcoming to our country, immigrants yes, just not these immigrants. Great article Lou.

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OUTRAGEOUS behavior by judge thompson. People, pay attention when you vote😡

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Great job Lou, your account details why Judge Thompson needs to be voted out!

Fentanyl is a powerful drug; from the CDC website:

"Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. It is a major contributor to fatal and nonfatal overdoses in the U.S."


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Another fine article exposing the NEO MARXIST mindset at work in SF. Let me take a wild guess and say the judge is a DEI hire with black/brown skin color…that espouses the liberal hive mind..possibly gay. All boxes checked. So great.I hate to tell you lou SF ain’t coming back from this insanity…adios America commiefornia and SF leading the way….and only 68 billion of debt..run don’t walk

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Tony boy..sorry I’m so late getting back to you . I just read your essay and I agree with most of your perceptionS, your sentence about the renters and freeloaders nails it…my point is the Marxist are driving good people out and underground …I was born and raised in SF. did 29 yrs in SFFD.

LEFT long ago but know well how long the communist have run the CITY…my whole Career was hindered by the fake CIVIL RIGHTS act of 64.

The AFFIRMITIVE ACTION garbage and consent decrees. Which have evolved into CRT,DEI, ESG anti-American anti-white lies..I could go on but You probably see it differently. It’s not just SF , it’s the globe that’s been destroyed right under our noses. There is one last chance to SAVE AMERICA and that’s TRUMP..If these commies steal this next election ,say good night …so YES my generalizations are accurate..All the smart people left SF..

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Ferg - IDK if your guess is right or wrong, but it is BIGOTED. Your first point is the important point. Lou has exposed Judge Thompson as one who is not worthy of serving.

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You should understand the racist Marxist left…they put skin color over merit..that’s my point…everyone in the shithole of SF is a regressive leftist ideolog….im not a bigot I could care less what color or nationality you are….you must put America first..period…fuck wokeism and all that goes with it.

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You are only partly correct, and grossly over generalizing is the mark of a very lazy mind.

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For a retiree with massive curiosity, it's sad that you are so willing to brand "everyone" in San Francisco as Marxist regressive leftist ideolog and wokester.

You read Lou's work, so you should know your definition doesn't fit him, and it sure doesn't fit me. The fact that Conservatives in San Francisco are out numbered perhaps more than 4:1 is no reason to throw us all into the toilet with those who are running the show.

My sense is that the rich are too rich to care unless something bad happens to them.

The majority are working and retired people who "feel" too much, and "think" too little. The poor is a growing group from all welfare to hard working and not enough to afford renting.

Perhaps the largest single voting block of Leftists are the mass of renters who have no skin in the game, and are just in it for whatever they can get out of it?

Is San Francisco doomed do to following the Pied Piper of Marxism/Socialism for too many decades? You say yes. I say no. Ourstory is a good teacher, but only if people read or study it. There were civilian vigilantes in San Francisco in the late 1800s or early 1900's who reacted to crime that just got to be beyond acceptable.

That is harder to do now with our laws favoring criminals, and disempowering private citizens, but everything has its limits. People often think it is now as bad as it can get. That is almost always wrong. And when it reaches whatever that unknown limit it, things explode. Crime must be purged like an infection or cancer, and only after that can the body heal and people live normally again.

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